With a view to a firm alignment with current regulations, not least the entry into force of the legislative decree of 3 September 2020 on the mandatory environmental labeling of packaging, Holding Industriale S.p.A has decided to bring its work into line with the new legislative structure. The legislation announces the need for all packaging to be appropriately labeled to recognize its origin, the family of materials that make it up and the correct disposal practices of the same.
In particular, new packaging purchased from 01/01/2023 will be equipped with an alphanumeric code, when sold, which contains environmental data. This code could be a QR code, a label on the packaging but it could also be found on the invoice via a QR code or encoding. There is co-responsibility for compliance with the law for all agents along the supply chain, from packaging suppliers to those who use them, up to those who ship the complete and packaged product; the companies of the Group are all involved in this process.
It is in this context that the idea of developing a section on the company website exclusively dedicated to environmental labeling was born. Here you can scan all the QR codes to access the basic environmental information of our packaging, in order to ensure maximum transparency for all stakeholders, an essential feature to encourage the growth process of Holding Industriale S.p.A.